May 2, 2022

Ep 35 – How Sarah Lyndsay turned her roughest time to blossom as a person and an artist

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The Art of Photography
The Art of Photography
Ep 35 - How Sarah Lyndsay turned her roughest time to blossom as a person and an artist

Sarah Lyndsay is a Self-Portrait & Landscape Photographer based in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.

She specialises in ethereal self-portrait work, putting herself in the landscapes she photographs no matter the season or weather.

Rain or shine, she will walk out in that lake in a flowing gown. She is widely known for her breathtaking long exposure work and her signature yellow dress. 


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Sarah Lyndsay  0:00  
So when you hit that rock bottom moment, I think you, it doesn’t matter if it’s with your career or your relationships or whatever, you’re at rock bottom, and you’re at this place where you just feel like you have no one, you’re completely alone. And you’re just faced with yourself, like you’re faced with all those inner demons that you have. And we all have them. And I feel like this is the defining moment of where people either blossom into this amazing person or they go down even further and they go down the wrong path. And I think when you’re when you’re at the rock bottom, you have to make like a choice there.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  0:40  
Hey, weekenders Welcome back to The Art of Photography podcast, where we talk to other photographers and share their journey and how photography have given them hope, purpose and happiness. And today, we have somebody from the Canadian Rockies, someone who’s really good at taking self portrait. Sarah, how are you doing, sir?

Sarah Lyndsay  1:00  
I’m good. How are you? Thank you for having me come and do this. I’m really excited to be here.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  1:06  
Very excited to have you. And I’ve been following your work, you know, ever since I got into the NFT world, and it’s it’s incredible that you know, your your, your art is just great. And I love the commitment that you put in to get those self portraits. Yeah, I’m so glad to have you here. Now, before we get started, can you give us a short introduction of who Sarah is?

Sarah Lyndsay  1:29  
Okay, yes, I can do that. So in this current moment, this year, we will say, I am a self portrait and landscape photographer. I’ve been a photographer for 12 years. But the self portrait part has definitely just been in the last few years. And I do pretty much photography, or at least I have done it. All right now what I’m doing for work is I do photo tours and FTS YouTube, that’s a big one as well. And just focusing on those with my photography and just trying to grow it and working at it every single day. And that’s pretty much me in a nutshell. And how Wait, how could I forget this? You may see me around in a yellow dress. Yes, pretty important part.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  2:13  
You call yourself the bananas? It’s It’s hilarious. It’s great.

Sarah Lyndsay  2:19  
That started in the NFT space. That’s where that came from.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  2:23  
So how did that come about? What’s why the bananas? I’m not

Sarah Lyndsay  2:27  
sure I just everybody was talking about you. I think you know like what the apes the board apes because the banana was a thing with them as well. And I just saw everybody talking about a banana. And I was like, Well, I can I am a banana on all the time. And then it just took off from there. So now everyone pretty much refers to me as the banana.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  2:46  
That’s hilarious. Yeah, it’s really funny when it when they come out. And it’s just so funny. And so what, what makes you what makes you love photography? Why are you doing? You’ve been doing this for 12 years, you say, right, yes. And you’re still here. And you know, you’ve done a lot of different stuff. And I know you know, like doing YouTube and you know, getting all this thing happening is not easy. So what makes you what makes you fall in love with photography and what makes you stay as a photographer?

Sarah Lyndsay  3:17  
That’s a good question. Okay, so Paul, I have like it’s the same answer to both of those questions why I love it is that I was just actually out shooting the other evening and it was a really great reminder of why I love it. Just when I was done shooting the feeling that I had of just creating something was so good. And like I noticed when I was shooting and I was so you know invested in my camera and the process of creating the image I was thinking about nothing but that moment and creating and that’s why I love it and that’s why I keep doing it because it’s a when you’re doing it you’re out there in the field creating things you’re in a mindful space that no problems can enter no people can enter it’s just the camera and you and you’re focused on something that is that that’s why that’s why I love it that’s why I’m gonna continue doing it.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  4:07  
It’s as simple as that a like yes what did they call it the whole meditation of being a photographer being there with the nature so do you get this feeling when you like do a different type of photography as well because you say like you have done few different genres as well. Does does that give you the same feeling or is is the the landscape and self portrait are the one that gives you the most and that’s why you’re doing it

Sarah Lyndsay  4:31  
that’s a tough question to answer I’m because okay, I’ve have photographed everything like I have worked in all of the genres. I think just creating no matter what gives me that feeling like it honestly doesn’t matter if it’s a landscape or if I was shooting weddings, well wedding is a lot more work so but when I’m creating images for them, I’m pretty excited about it. I think it can can be anything and I’ll feel pretty happy creating it but I just gravitate towards like landscape with the self portraits because that feels like that’s my heart. You And a best represents, like who I am and what I want to build. But yeah, I could probably be shooting anything and have a good time. It’s just the creation, like the whole process of creating something is what keeps me there.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  5:12  
That’s awesome. That’s fantastic. Yeah, I think, I don’t know many people that can say the same thing, you know, enjoying the whole genre, but it’s good that you’re enjoying the whole thing. And I, you know, I, myself have tried a whole bunch of different things. And I don’t think I could say I enjoy everything. So that’s good on you.

Sarah Lyndsay  5:32  
Whatever I’m photographing, like I used, I do it in my style. So like, just thinking back, I used to photograph family shoots. And I remember just I loved like, I mean, there’s the whole point of customer service. That’s not always the fun part. But like, even just bringing back their images to edit and creating something really special. I just loved it. I loved being absorbed in that.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  5:53  
That’s awesome. And so do you have like, a certain moment that you can pinpoint that makes you like that, that reminds you of how you started photography in the first place? Like, what was that one moment that make you pick up a camera? Like, for me, the first thing that made me follow my passion was when I went to Europe. And you know, it was a five weeks trip. And you know, it was a great trip. But I was so disappointed when I came back, you know, with my photos. So do you have a moment like that, that makes you say, You know what, this thing is awesome. And I want to do more of

Sarah Lyndsay  6:29  
it. Yes. So this goes back to when I started photography, like when it all began the whole journey. It’s kind of funny because it’s backwards. Like I didn’t pick up a camera first. I actually found Photoshop first, which not many people do. I know. Oh, so I was on a this was such a long time ago, I think I was 22 or 23. And I was on a date. And I remember we were just sitting on his couch. We were having some drinks, just hanging out listening to music. And he brought out a quote, he brought up Photoshop. So he was a photographer. But just like a hobbyist photographer, not he didn’t do it professionally, but he liked to make album covers so he would go and photograph like Barnes and I don’t know just anything and then he would come into Photoshop and you know, layer it and put textures on. And I just loved watching this process of him creating something so I asked him I was like, Oh, could you help me get this programme from my computer? So I got Photoshop, I didn’t have a plan to be a photographer. I just wanted to play around like I’m a little bit computer nerdy. So yeah, I got Photoshop. And then I was like, Well, what am I going to do from here? I need to, I need something to work on. So I found my parents like old vacation point and shoot in the cupboard. And I was like, okay, and I just went outside and I started taking photos of things like everything, even jewellery, I would photographic jewellery. I love to like, I love playing around with depth of field, I first picked up the camera Anyways, that was

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  7:52  
on f 2.8. I would

Sarah Lyndsay  7:56  
I can’t remember what the point and shoot like what it would go down to or what Yeah, I don’t know. But I just I just remembered I picked up the camera. And again, it was that feeling of I’m creating something, because I think like my backstory, and I was coming out with something that was quite, I guess traumatic in a way. And then when you latch on to something, when you’re feeling so alone, it’s like, the camera gave me purpose again. And I will forever like I am forever grateful for that moment, because it breathes like life back into me and then put me on this path that and now I’m here. Like, it’s amazing. The whole journey is really, really incredible.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  8:35  
That’s incredible. And, you know, I think, you know, not only me, but a lot of other photographer are the same thing, right? Photography have kind of something that, you know, for the public, like, basically help them to give them a new purpose, a new direction in life. And it looks like I get you know, we see the same thing and you and what was what was that like, like, you know, like, you know, from your, you know, the experience that you said it was difficult, and then you know, moving through and then being where you are today. I know that like, you know, the transition, especially it’s never easy. So would you be able to share a little bit about that and maybe, perhaps give some inspiration to our listeners?

Sarah Lyndsay  9:17  
Yeah, so I mean, I come from because this is pretty, like a pretty big part of my story. And I do share it quite a bit. So I come from, like a family of abuse there was it just wasn’t a childhood to grow up in and like I’m in I’m in a lot of therapy now, which is amazing. It really, really helps me. But I what I’ve learned is that, you know, if you’re not coming from a stable home, you don’t really know what to do you you don’t know what path to go on. It really really messes with you. And I guess I just didn’t I didn’t ever know who I was and I was so like, I was into relationships way too early on in life, you know, way too invested with men and it just wasn’t good. So I didn’t I didn’t Know Who Sarah was. So when that moment when I picked up like the camera and I just kept doing it, honestly, it was like, it was just this moment of okay, this is me, this is who I am. This is Sarah and then it like the camera alongside of my own growth, like it plays a really big part in who I am today. It’s it’s wild to see that and because of the because of my past, I just, I don’t know, I feel like I latched on to photography, because it was finally something that was mine. No one else is not my parents, not my not a boyfriend. It was just me and the camera. And yeah, it’s an amazing feeling.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  10:39  
That is such a inspiring story. You know, like, I think it a lot of people don’t know where you know who they are, and where to go. And you know, you’re coming from a past that’s quite difficult like yours. It’s just incredible that how you’re able to turn that around. So, you know, made massive congratulations to you. And you know, massive kudos to you for making that happen. That is very inspiring. So if I were to just, you know, hypothetically, if you can no longer touch a camera, how would life be?

Sarah Lyndsay  11:14  
Oh, man, obviously, that could become a reality for anybody. Really? I mean, I’d accept it, it would definitely suck. But I would I would have to obviously change career paths, which I probably don’t what I would already want to do. It would really suck. I just, I feel like I could handle it for a little bit. But I feel like I would start really missing it.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  11:35  
That’s yeah, it’s fun. You’re on? Yeah, how the camera something that is so simple that basically capture lights and shapes can can really change your life and can really give us new identity. Newhall? Yes. Yeah. So I am so glad that you share that. You know, I think that, that that is someone that, you know, that is something that people kind of maybe aware, but not exactly latch on to. So one of the things that I find most people, most people kind of never follow through with photography, right? Is because they kind of buy a camera, they start taking a photo with their phone, he’s like, this is awesome. And then they’re like, they buy a camera. And and after a while, it’s like, you know what, this is too hard. It’s not working out, you know, I can’t I’m not good enough. I can take photos like all these great people do. And looks like you have pushed through that, that, that time or stage and get to where you are right now, which is you know, incredible. You know, 12 years of being a photographer is just absolutely incredible. And there’s so much commitment to it. So what are Do you ever go through some struggles? While you you know, like, while you’re learning and you know, carving your path into this photography world? And how, how do you keep track of it like, so how do you stay on track and keep going to where you are today?

Sarah Lyndsay  13:02  
Yes, I definitely go through struggles, I go through struggles with how much obviously things change like it. It’s kind of like you learn you learn social media, you learn how to operate the camera, you learn how to create art, you learn all these things, and then you’re kind of like, okay, yeah, I’m set. I’m good. Now you, you just want to keep doing that. But it just seems like that. There’s always something new, there’s always a new thing to learn. And I find that that I really struggle with that because I since I’ve been a photographer for 12 years, you can get really stuck in your ways that you shoot, like I, I still shoot the same way that I did say, five, six years ago. So I often feel like I’m behind the times. And actually a lot with editing, I feel like I’m behind the times because I like to stay with the way that I do it. But I think that can be bad. If you don’t evolve, I really, really do. So I struggle with that. Just like I want to stay on my one path of how I know how to do things. Yet I know it’s important to keep learning and evolving and change with the times and new cameras coming out. That’s what I struggle with. And I do I just I mean, you have to look at it almost like work, right? Well, it is work for me. But you, you, you got to show up even when it’s not fun even when you don’t want to learn those things. And then I think honestly, I think that’s where a lot of photographers start to fall off the waggon of like turning it into a career because they don’t understand it’s a lot of hard work to do this and not just one time hard work every day hard work and constantly learning. That’s my struggle, but I just know mentally, like you just have to show up and you have to push yourself to learn and keep evolving. You really really do.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  14:37  
That is such a great advice you know, I think it’s it’s funny that a lot of the things that kind of happen in whether in our head or you know, it’s usually doesn’t it’s not going to happen in real life right and it looks like you have guarded your mind and your mindset really well and just push through with whatever you know. You no doubt struggle was with a change of platform change of technology and everything. My question is, how do you do that? Like, what do you do? You know, because because the mind is very powerful, right? When you believe you can, and you can, and when you believe you cannot, then you cannot, it’s as simple as that. But what do you do to guard that, to have that positive outlook to keep pushing through even the hardest time to you know, all these changes and so forth?

Sarah Lyndsay  15:29  
So well? Since this is a tough question to answer, because I do photography as a career, so I know that and like, I know, a lot of hobbyists, you know, listen in on a lot of these things, and, and people that do it as a career, so I’m doing this for a living. And it’s not just like, it’s not just my passion. So I think this is important. So I did started as a hobby, I did not, I did not jump into photography as a career until like, probably eight years in. So for a long, long, it was simply because I lacked calm, I obviously lacked confidence, and just the knowledge of how to run a business. Those are the two main things that hold people back. So eventually, it got to the point because I was just working as a server, well, I was hobbyist photographer. And you know, I, as I get older, you know, you got to the point where it’s like, okay, I need to do something with career wise with my life. So it’s either I turn this photography obsession into a career, or I go off and go to school, and I actually have this crossroads, I almost went almost quit photography, and almost became a police officer. And it was because I was doubting that, like photography would pay the bills, basically. So I know many people end up in this position. So I mean, you know, at that time, when I was at that crossroads, I was making some income from photography, but it wasn’t like I, you know, wouldn’t sustain me for the year. So I just kept plugging away at it. And obviously, I noticed, like, I didn’t go off and do these other jobs, you know, I kept going out and taking photos, and it was around 2017 2018 2019. Slowly, the business just kept, like evolving for me by word of mouth, because obviously, I got better. So it started to look like okay, I could really do this. But I can, I was so afraid to honestly take that plunge. And this is the important part of the story. Because I really was afraid I needed like a major catalyst in my life to push me to go full time into photography. So COVID was obviously one of those things, even though COVID took away all the work in the first place. It’s kind of weird, it took everything away, but pushed me to go at it full time, if that makes sense. Because it it just took away everything. And I also went through a divorce at the same time. So I had these, these two major things happen in my life. And if you like those things change you. And I do a lot of like, why I wasn’t doing photography as a career, and actually why I got divorce was was because of me. So I had to become very self aware. And I did that and I became like mentally strong with a different mindset by I put myself in therapy, and I knew I just needed to learn and keep learning and learning and learning and learning. That’s how I changed my mindset. Honestly, if it wasn’t for those two major moments in my life, I probably wouldn’t have like this strong of a mindset because it all changed the way I see photography. And I, I now am at this point where like anybody is capable of doing this. Anybody is but like you have to understand what is involved to do it. And like, you really got to humble yourself to eat. If you take pretty pictures, that simply is just not enough. And your mind needs to understand that. And if you can get to that point, and you are patient, you can you can do anything. Honestly, anything with photography. There’s my answer.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  18:50  
Inspiring. Yeah, that’s that’s crazy, right? Like, sometimes we need that push right in life, to to put us at rock bottom so that we can Yeah, we have a good foundation to blast off. That’s that’s what I usually say. Right? And so how did you I mean, you kind of, you know, scraped through that whole experience. But what is it? That makes a big difference when you turn that around? Because, you know, when when people go through that kind of thing? I think most people would get discouraged instead of encourage.

Sarah Lyndsay  19:20  
Wait, you have to ask that again because it froze.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  19:23  
Ah, sorry. So when when people go through that kind of experience when it’s going through a difficult experience, many people would get discouraged, not encouraged, right. But you turn this really tough time into something that you can strive in your life and actually doing something that you are passionate about that you love, you know as as your main way of living as your lifestyle. So how does that mindset shift change and what is it that makes a big difference? What is it that make you encourage instead of discourage?

Sarah Lyndsay  19:58  
I love this question. Okay, so when you hit that rock bottom moment, I think you, it doesn’t matter if it’s with your career or your relationships or whatever, you’re at rock bottom, and you’re at this place where you just feel like you have no one, you’re completely alone. And you’re just faced with yourself, like you’re faced with all those inner demons that you have. And we all have them. And I feel like this is the defining moment of where people either blossom into this amazing person, or they go down even further, and they go down the wrong path. And I think when you’re, when you’re at the rock bottom, you have to make, like a choice there. So how I saw it was it was like, okay, my career wasn’t really taking off, I’ll be like, my marriage failed, everything just seemed like it was failing. And I’m a big believer in being self aware, and that we actually create a lot of our own homes no matter what it is. So I just thought to myself, I was like, All right, I can keep doing what I was doing before. Because that clearly drove me to the bottom like it did, all of the steps that I was doing did not help me at all. Or I could take a step back, and try to properly learn how to do this and do the right steps and start listening to people who know a lot more than I do. And really, really, like, follow those proper mentors and those healthy people. And that’s what I decided to do, because I felt like I had no choice. It was either it’s gonna get worse, or you can turn this around and start doing things differently. And it’ll get better, and it got better.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  21:27  
That is great. Yeah, I think, you know, one of the biggest thing that I got from Loyola, your answer is they’re like, if you, regardless where you are in your your life, or your struggle, you never really lose that belief in yourself, you know, you decided to go back and build, you know, build, build it over again, start over again. And that’s, that’s amazing. You know, I’m, I’m so inspired just by listening to this.

Sarah Lyndsay  21:52  
We’re all capable. Totally in the mind, and it but like, the thing is, is it took these really hard moments to get there’s eight like, flips a switch almost. So I’m grateful, not well, not grateful for the bad things, but I wouldn’t be who I am without them. Surely, yeah.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  22:11  
Yeah. For now, for sure. You know, the hard times is the things that define who we are today. Right? So that’s yeah, that is such a great answer. So thanks for sharing that. And what, so for people out there, you say that like, anyone want to pursue this full time, or you know, want to pursue this passion and make it your lifestyle, you can do it. But you also mentioned that, you just need to make sure that you have you understand that it’s not a path to heaven, or so they’re like, there, it’s not gonna be as smooth sailing. So it goes through your experience as a professional photographer, and some of the things that some of the challenges that you came across, and how can people learn from this journey so that if they do decide to pursue their passion full time, they it kind of, you know, it makes things easier for them? What, what would that be that you would share to these people?

Sarah Lyndsay  23:11  
Well, I think I’ll start off with like, the struggles. So we’re talking we’re debt, we’re talking about it like as a professional career at this at this point, right. Okay. So the struggles are, okay, you definitely have to recognise the struggles first, because it helps it helps understand, Okay, well, this is hard. Why is it hard? So it’s not really the being a professional photographer. It’s not like, you don’t really go to school for this, you don’t, there’s not really like a road map laid out. And a lot of other photographers are very, very private, and you can hire mentors, you can do mentoring sessions. But there’s not really like this laid out step by step plan for photographers, and most people will always kind of drill it in your mind. Career, like a lot of people look at it, and it’s like, oh, okay, that’s not, you know, photography is I have a fancy camera, I can just do it, right. Like, there’s this, this whole stigma around it, that it’s very challenging to do as a career, which it is not gonna lie, but I think the reason why it’s so challenging is because you are a business owner. Like there’s no really other way to do photography as a career other than running your own photography show. I’m sure you could get some jobs in big cities with other people, but you’re running a business and not everybody is a business owner. So there’s all these skills that you have to learn and you don’t really have anywhere to look other than YouTube or trying to read about it online. So you feel you don’t really have like that support. It’s not like you’re going to university, you have all your classmates with you you have a teacher that is kind of accountable for you, right it’s it’s just different. So your end because you’re alone. Like there’s just no one to turn to. So those those are the struggles and I find it with photography and doing photography as a career. It’s very like you have to mentally understand what it’s it’s the mindset like you just have to be aware of these things. But know that there still is a way forward. And if you can keep pushing and keep learning and keep growing, and change your perspective about it, like you will succeed. So how I do this is, I mean, I constantly feel like I’m learning, always, always learning, but I look at it like, Okay, I’ve chosen this as a career. Let’s say I chose to be a nurse, you know, that’s for five years of university. Why is my photography, learning and my photography, career business growing any different, you know, give myself a few years to do it, right. And you kind of have to like it just as if you’re deciding to go to school to be a nurse, you know, you have to figure out your your finances to be able to go back to school, right? Your you got to sort out your living situation, look at photography the exact same way, and just be patient and give yourself that time to actually properly grow a business. Most business owners fail in the first year. They do. And that’s okay, though. Because how do you learn you learn from every mistake that you make? So those were the struggles, but with the right mindset, it’s totally doable. Anything is doable? It all is.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  26:09  
I love how you say that. Because I have I gone through this phase, exactly the same thing where I thought by the first year, everything would just be right. And you know, I go the first year, and then the second year, and then I was like, Huh, you know, it hasn’t happened the way I want it yet. And then I had exactly that exact thinking, like, you know, I was an engineer, and it took me four years to become an engineer. And I expect that this thing will happen in a year. Right. So that is such a great thing for you to say and mentioned. I think that really grounded us. Right? Yeah. Because like, so give

Sarah Lyndsay  26:48  
yourself time. That’s all like, it’s simple.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  26:51  
And like, I get it, like, you know, like Instagram and stuff. Like, you know, some people are really made it overnight and stuff. Okay, you know that that’s their path. And you know, for most case, there are a lot of things that kind of line up with that. And also, this, the reason why I made this podcast is that most people that look like it’s an overnight success, actually, and put a lot of work behind it. And you just see that change. And you’re like, Well, he was like this yesterday, and then he’s like this today, but why they didn’t see is this all these years and months and weeks of, you know, being depressed being struggle being having that. Yeah, yeah. So that’s yeah, that’s, that is such a great thing for you to share. Yeah, thanks for sharing that. So you, like you know, like, recently, the NFT world can come in, and you jump ahead in first and you just get in there and you know, put yourself in there. So tell me, what is it that make you make make NFT intrigued you that make you want to be part of the NFT community as well as the NFT movement in the web? 3.0.

Sarah Lyndsay  28:02  
I, this NFT thing has been such a wild ride, I definitely did not think I would be there, like here in the NFT space. Like last year, at the same time, I didn’t even have a clue. So I’m think I’m like everybody else. All other photographers that were curious, you know, you just come in and start listening and see what’s going on. And then by how it’s like everybody’s supporting each other and the community building, which is great and amazing. But I do think that there’s a lot of negative stuff in the NFT space around this community around the community stuff. So yeah, I just kept listening and kept showing up every day. And then I was like, Okay, well try to start building something here and seeing like, where it can go. And I just kept I just noticed, I kept showing up every day. So obviously I had an interest in it. And then you know, you get to your first collection that you put out and then something happens there that’s like oh yes, I can keep doing this. And then your your second collection and you keep going on and on and on. Now I’m about four months in and I would say I’m pretty invested into this NFT world and like how I see it now is like this is we are I truthfully believe we are on like the edge of that this change. And especially for like web three and all of that. I believe it’s the future. And then I thought to myself, I was like, Okay, well what if it’s not? And what if all this fails? If it fails, it’s okay, because I can always go back and do something else, right? I can go to other one other income arm of photography and start investing in that and take this year of failure, whatever. It’s not that big of a deal. But if I don’t give it a shot, and let’s say it does take off, right? If I invest in it and it just skyrockets while I’m here and I’m ready for it. So that’s that’s where I say that what the NFT space right now is I do believe it’s the future. And if it’s not going to be the future, I’ve accepted like I’m okay with that loss, and that I can fall back and go and do something else. Like I’m okay with the failure if it fails, but I don’t believe it’s going to fail.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  29:59  
You Wow, that’s, that’s great. Thanks for the insights. And, you know, you mentioned there, there are a lot of positive and negative and, you know, having been in this space for quite some time, what are some of the positive things that you have seen from this NFT space and make you kind of think that this is a great way for artists to be recognised, to be able to sell their art, as well as to be, you know, to authenticate there are?

Sarah Lyndsay  30:27  
Well, it’s so funny, I don’t know if you are the same, but I will probably say a lot of photographers before, if they’re in the energy space before they came in the NFT. Space, they likely didn’t see their work as art. So there’s that that’s, that’s definitely changed my perspective with photography is I now am like, Okay, this totally photography fits into the art world. I mean, photography is a medium of art. So it’s changed my perspective on how I see my own photography, definitely. But there still is a difference between like wedding photography, and your fine art landscape prints there there is, so I don’t really consider you know, going to shoot a wedding and delivering them 1100 image images aren’t like what maybe it is, but in my mind, it isn’t. So there’s that it’s definitely changed my perspective on how I view photography. And now I’m more so looking at like, an artist path because an artist path is actually a lot different than a photographer path. But photography is just the medium. So that’s really important to note, if you do decide to come into the NFT space, like you’re, you’re turning yourself into like an artist basically. And then you’re great, there’s a different way to like build your brand as an artist. And it’s been fascinating, the learning journey of the NFT space. And like what I noticed, like the positives again, so obviously the community building, how we do all want to succeed, and we do all want to support each other, it is very, very connecting. The only thing I will say with the community building and a little bit of the negative is that we’re all still human. And we still have those other sides of human emotions, like jealousy and anger, like just because we’re community building doesn’t mean everything else goes away. And I don’t like I think people you can’t be naive when you come in there use it’s not all sunshine and roses. It’s like anything else in life. So that’s, that’s the negative that I don’t think people really realise when they come in.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  32:25  
Yeah, no, I think I think you’re absolutely right. You know, people kind of see this, actually, you know, before I go through this, I would like to ask you, what are some of the negative thoughts that people you know, if you ever have people come across to you, and you know, say like, you know, like, what are you doing this? Like, you know, an SD is a scam or whatever it is? Do you have any objection? Or any doubts from people about NFT? And what are those negative thoughts that people think NFT is, it’s not here to stay?

Sarah Lyndsay  33:00  
Well, I haven’t like other than negative comments, I haven’t come across like a negative conversation with someone, I’ve definitely seen some of their comments on like my Youtube, Instagram, or they’ll send a message, like in response to a story I post about NFCs. Right now, I choose not to respond simply because a lot of it is about the environmental impacts that NF T’s are causing, but I just look, I know that that subject is a lot bigger than what I know. So a that’s why I don’t engage in that conversation. And I think for the person, the people who are constantly complaining about the impacts it has, I don’t even think that they have the knowledge to understand it right now. And let’s just say if it you know, if it is bad, whatever, it’s clearly being worked on, and it’s evolving, like it’s innovating, it’s not always going to be this negative way that they think. So that and that’s usually the thing they try to kind of counter you with is the negative impacts on the environment. I believe that if people are being negative about it, it’s not it’s not going to be for everybody, and that’s okay. But if they are constantly being negative about it, it’s simply it’s because they’re afraid they don’t understand. And that’s our reaction when we don’t understand is to be negative. So if I know it’s going to turn into a battle, honestly, I don’t respond. And I just I just let it go. Because I also feel that like the NF T space is going to prove itself over time. Yeah,

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  34:24  
absolutely. And, you know, I love that how you say that because it’s funny, like people will come to me and say, you know, like, oh NFT world is this and that and this and that. And you know, and I would ask them, it’s like, okay, you say all this, right? You know, where, where do you know this? Or there is this article and this article, and it’s like, okay, well, do you own an NFT? It’s like, no, do you know how they work? No, it’s like okay, if you’re not in it, then how do you know that it is all these bad things? Right? It’s it’s like it’s like when you when you when you’re running a business versus you’re looking at business from the outside. We we could look at this Does that look like it’s striving but it’s it’s struggling, you know, and about to go bankrupt. And it could be the other way around. It looks like it’s struggling, but it’s actually building a foundation and it’s suddenly take off, right? Tesla was a good example where, you know, many, many hedge fund was betting against them because they think it’s not the future. But Elon, just keep investing on on the on the company to build that foundation. And now it takes off like there’s no tomorrow. So it’s really funny when when I heard people have this negative comment, and one of the things that I would always say is like, well, you maybe try to be in it, immerse yourself in it, and then judge it, right? Read the whole book before you judge it by its cover. And with the environmental bed is, you know, everything every change, go through struggle, every change, there’s always gonna be pain when you go when you go through change. So it’s the same with electric cars, electric cars, you know, was disposable when there is any small changes or any small problems? They need to buy a whole new one? So? Yeah, I’m so glad that you share that. I think, you know, I’m a big advocate on the NFT. Yeah, just because I know, the potential that the technology has, right, because people think NFT is this like, way of selling, but it’s actually a tool? And you know, the utility is just absolutely, we haven’t even come across like 9% of it. Yeah, it’s just like, just the tip, the very tip of the iceberg. So, and I’m a big advocate to help other artists to be able to use this medium, because I know it’s so yeah, I’m glad that, that you share that and going back to your photography. What are some of your most memorable moments in photography? And and why? Like, you know, the photo that if there is one photo that you could pick, which one would it be, and you know why it is so memorable?

Sarah Lyndsay  37:09  
I want to say, Okay, well, this, this will probably change in about a year. But like looking back, the fondest memories that I had was actually right before COVID, shut down the world, I went to New Zealand, and at the time, I was dating this fella, and he’s from Australia. So me and him went to New Zealand together for two weeks. And he is not a professional photographer. He’s a hobbyist. And that’s all we did the whole two weeks was photography, but for ourselves, and we just like toured around the South Island. And I remember just not even being on my phone. Nothing. We just toured New Zealand and took photos. Like, it does not get any better than that. But sadly after that, though, COVID obviously came with her as soon as I got back home to Canada, and he was in Australia. And we were separated for two years. Because of because of Australia, Australia is tough. And yeah, so it’s like, I have so many fond memories of that trip, but also a little bit of sadness, too, because it was probably the last time like, I’ve ever fully felt content actually in my whole life. So yeah, fine, but sad memories at the same time.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  38:20  
Oh, that’s great. You know, like, I guess, you know, the big thing is like, you know, be thankful that it happened, right? Yes. Because it ends. So I’m glad that you had that experience, because I think it’s really important. You know, what you say there earlier is that you create for yourself? And I think that’s when we really happy as photography photographer, isn’t it? So? Yeah. Yeah, that’s, that’s definitely something to learn there. Yeah, that’s, that’s awesome. And so, with, going back with, you know, like, now that you have your NFT you have all this means of you know, being a professional photographer. When it comes to, like, you know, life in general, right, like being photography and being everything that you’re supposed to be in as a person, it’s very difficult. How do you find that time? How do you find that, that balance that, you know, between spending time with your friends and families between going out shooting between hustling and grinding between you know, social media and so forth? What what are some of your advice to, to face that? Well,

Sarah Lyndsay  39:34  
I feel like when you run a business, you’re obviously you have you have flexibility, which is good, like you can you can schedule all your own things in but I just feel like naturally I’m, I’m constantly always working on it. But if I want to go out with like my friends, or I want to go do something that is not photography related, which is actually very rare, like my life is photography, because even my friends are all photographers. I just schedule it in like I don’t I honestly don’t worry about it. But the thing with me and this is probably important to note is that I don’t have kids. I don’t have like, I’m not married. So I don’t even have family around me. So I’m fully able right now at this stage of my life, to invest in photography. But if I want to go on a trip, or I want to, again, go out for dinner or something or go for coffee, I just do it. And that’s kind of the the good thing about being a business owner is you don’t have to ask for permission to have time off. Because it’s like I and then I figure it out. Like it’s getting to the point though, where I would say I probably can’t just take off as much as I want, especially with the NFT space because of how important right now in these early stages we are in with the NF T space to brand build. So I’ve right now I’ve kind of made this choice, you know, to like, keep myself very grounded at home and not go off and do too many things, because I’m focusing on the brand building, but I know that that will lift and then I’ll be able to incorporate more back into my life. I feel like for people who have kids, though, it’s very tough. Like, it’s you’ve definitely got to work on your balance and schedules and roof. Yeah. So I’m fortunate in a way that I’m alone, and I have all this opportunity to put into

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  41:14  
it. It’s funny how you say, you know, like the work never ends, because every time my friend asked me, it’s like, so it was like How was your day you finish your work? So like, well, it kind of never ends.

Sarah Lyndsay  41:25  
It never ends. Like, there’s always something that I always something to work on with your brand building. Yeah, it’s either it’s things that people don’t really understand is work. Yeah, updating your website, your website always needs to kind of be like worked on. There’s endless things, endless things, collections, videos, YouTube, like the I’m always working on something, I think it’s really the one thing I’m bad at, because I’m a bit of a, I’m a scattered person, like, I’m just because of my upbringing, I feel like, I’m a little bit quirky, the kind of weird, I guess, I’m not very good at creating my own structure, I actually work much better under someone else. Well as in like, they will keep me on task. But if I’m given the brute like freedom to myself, it’s hard to create a routine for yourself. So I’m actually also in therapy for business and to get help with all of this stuff as well, because it is challenging to grow. And I know I need a little bit of guidance.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  42:24  
So that’s great. You know, I’m glad that you say that, because I think many people are either not humble enough or don’t have or don’t think that, you know, asking for help is important. And it was an eye opener for me as well. Like, you know, like, I was like, I think I need to like learn this thing. And you know, I could learn it myself and go through, you know, all these years of trial and error. Or I could just go to someone who already know what they’re doing and try to model them. Right. And of course, you have to, you know, fit it to your life and your, your business and everything. But at the end of the day, you have most of the answer there that you can, you know, try trial and error instead of trial and error during the trial and errors. Make sense?

Sarah Lyndsay  43:07  
Yes, yes, yes.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  43:10  
That’s amazing is there and, you know, we come to our mark, and it’s been such a great conversation, you have dropped so many wisdom and advice it is and it’s just been so inspiring to Italy to to learn your journey. And you know, how you turn a lot of that struggle into your strength. And that is that is something that most people doesn’t do enough that usually if there is a struggle, there are strength that you could turn it into. So that’s fantastic. So one of the things that I always ask my guests is that if there is one advice that you can give to, you know, either photographers or even just people in general that you know, might have come come across the journey that you are in today, what is that one advice that you would give them.

Sarah Lyndsay  44:01  
Honestly, give yourself a lot of patience, no matter what you’re doing. If you want to be a photographer, you want to be anything else, give yourself patience to grow it and to show like show up for it every day. Even if it like even if you show up and put 30 minutes of work into it every day, it will still grow. Probably not going to grow as fast as someone putting eight hours a day in, but just showing up and doing something for you. Let’s just say photography, your photography each day, it will grow and it will keep growing. And then also to give yourself that patience and have integrity. So if you’re going to fall if you’re going to do something, follow through with it. And that speaks volumes. actions always speak louder than words. So like yeah, that would be my voice patients and just show up.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  44:44  
Fantastic. Well, Sarah, it’s been a pleasure to have you here. You know, do you want to like let us know how can the listener you know, learn more about you or connect with you and get to know you better? Yes,

Sarah Lyndsay  44:59  
so All probably right now the best way to learn about me and get to know me as a person is my YouTube, which is Sarah Lindsay. Next would be Instagram. Again, that is Sarah Lindsey photography, I’m assuming we’ll have links somewhere as well. Okay. And then Twitter if you want. I think this is important for in people wanting to get into the NFT space because I offer a lot of help there. So if you want to learn about NF TS or any of that stuff, come find me on Twitter with the same handle. And then of course, my website, I have my website, which is Sarah, Lindsey

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  45:33  
Fantastic. I will include all that in, in the link on the description. So you could literally just go to the description and find those link. And don’t forget to say hi, I see is such an amazing person as you already listened to. And just so grounded, so chill. Very approachable. So yeah, it’s been such a pleasure, pleasure. Hopefully, I get a chance to go back to Canadian Rockies and spend money on COVID. Again, it’s, it’s fun, you know, because I was there for two and a half years and, and then I left. And I got into the NFT space. And I was like, man, there’s so many ographers there and like, how come I never come across them. So it’s it’s funny how that works.

Sarah Lyndsay  46:16  
I just moved here. I just moved to the Rockies. So I’m past your time. But yes, there is. I do not care. I live here now. But I will say a lot of people do kind of stick within their own little groups. I noticed that. Yeah. But when Oh, well, that’s okay. It’s hard to meet people as an adult very hard.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  46:32  
That’s true, especially when everyone else in the mountain and the mountain is so bad.

Sarah Lyndsay  46:36  
Yes, yes. Yes, definitely. Definitely.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  46:41  
All right. Well, is there thank you very much for being here for sharing your journey for, you know, sharing all those wisdom with us. There’s a lot of inspiration to be taken from that.

Sarah Lyndsay  46:52  
Well, thank you. Thanks for having me. I always love chatting.

Stanley Aryanto – The Wicked Hunt  46:56  
While we get into this, thank you very much for tuning in. If you haven’t already subscribed, do hit the subscribe button so that you don’t miss out on the next chat we have. And don’t forget to give Sarah a visit. Give her a shout out. You know, whatever you do, and check out her work per banana work. It’s work. Yes. You know, with that being said, thank you very much for tuning in. And I’ll catch you guys next week.

The Wicked Hunt by Stanley Aryanto Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.